Why did the vampire take up acting?

Dad, can you write in the dark?

| School jokes

Dad, can you write in the dark? "I think so. What is it you want me to write?" "Your name on this report card."

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A waiter brings the

| Waiter jokes

A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat. "Are you crazy?" yelled the customer, "with your hand on my steak?" "What" answers the waiter, "You want it to fall on the floor again?"

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A man brings his

| Marriage jokes

A man brings his wife a glass of water and two aspirins. She looks surprised and says, I don't have a headache!" He says, "Aha!"

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Who won the Monster Beauty Contest?

| Beauty jokes

Who won the Monster Beauty Contest? No one.

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Which is better, an old ten dollar bill or a new

| Money jokes

Which is better, an old ten dollar bill or a new one? An old ten dollar bill is better than a new one.

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Why did the vampire take up acting? It was in his blood.