What snakes are good at sums ?

Q: How many Scorpios does it take to change a

| Zodiac jokes

Q: How many Scorpios does it take to change a lightbulb? A: That information is strictly secret and shared only with the Enlightened Ones in the Star Chamber of the Ancient Hierarchical Order.

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Which insect didn't play well in goal?

| Sport jokes

Which insect didn't play well in goal? The fumble bee!

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Jill: How did you find

| Weather jokes

Jill: How did you find the weather on your vacation? Bill: I just went outside and there it was!

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Why did the bees go on strike ?

| Insect jokes

Why did the bees go on strike ? Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers !

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First cannibal: My wife's a tough old bird.

| Cannibal jokes

First cannibal: My wife's a tough old bird. Second cannibal: You should have left her in the oven for another half an hour.

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What snakes are good at sums ? Adders !