Why do waiters prefer

Why did the stupid racing car driver

| Car and train jokes

Why did the stupid racing car driver make ten pit stops during the Grand Prix? He was asking for directions.

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Do you feel like a glass of carrot juice?

| Food jokes

Do you feel like a glass of carrot juice? Why? Do I look like one?

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Customer: Why did

| Hair and bald jokes

Customer: Why did you take off so much hair? Barber: I didn't, nature beat me to it.

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Why is it so cold at Christmas?

| Christmas jokes

Why is it so cold at Christmas? It's in Decembrrrrr.

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What did one rock pool say to the other rock

| Humor jokes

What did one rock pool say to the other rock pool? Show me your mussels.

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Why do waiters prefer elephants to flies? Have you ever heard anyone complaining of a elephant in their soup? .