What do you call a high-priced barber

Which hand would you use to pick up a dangerous

| Snake jokes

Which hand would you use to pick up a dangerous snake ? Someone else's !

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I see the baby's nose is running

| Baby jokes

I see the baby's nose is running again," said a worried father. "For goodness sake!" snapped his wife. "Can't you think of anything other than horse racing?"

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What does an aardvark get when he

| Aardvark jokes

What does an aardvark get when he overeats? Ant-digestion!

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Spell Indian tent with two letters.

| Spelling jokes

Spell Indian tent with two letters. TP.

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How do bank robbers send messages?

| Criminal jokes

How do bank robbers send messages? By flee mail!

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What do you call a high-priced barber shop? A clip joint.