Why is Russia a very fast country ?

Boss: "I've decided to use humor in the

| Business jokes

Boss: "I've decided to use humor in the office. Experts say humor eases tension, which is important in times when the work force is being trimmed. "Knock knock." Employee: "Who's there?" Boss: "Not you anymore."

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What's an actuary?

| Accountant jokes

What's an actuary? An accountant without the sense of humour.

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An old lady was considering buying a

| Various animal jokes

An old lady was considering buying a squirrel fur coat. "But will it be all right in the rain?" she asked anxiously. "Oh certainly, ma'am," said the manager smoothly. "After all, you've never seen a squirrel with an umbrella have you?"

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How do you prepare a Gorilla

| Gorilla jokes

How do you prepare a Gorilla sundae? Your start getting it ready Fridae and Saturdae!

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USAir recently introduced a special

| Aviation jokes

USAir recently introduced a special half fare for wives who accompanied their husbands on business trips. Expecting valuable testimonials, the PR department sent out letters to all the wives of businessmen who had used the special rates, asking how they enjoyed their trip. Letters are still pour

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Why is Russia a very fast country ? Because the people are always Russian !