Boss: “I’ve decided to use humor in the

What is the difference between a

| Mental health jokes

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist? If you say to a psychiatrist "I hate my mother," he will ask "Why do you say that?" while a psychologist will say "Thank you for sharing that with us."

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Yo mama so poor she waves around a popsicle

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama so poor she waves around a popsicle stick and calls it air conditioning.

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Q: What is 68 to a blonde?

| Dirty jokes

Q: What is 68 to a blonde? A: Where she goes down on you and you owe her one.

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Who dropped a wad of notes with

| Money jokes

Who dropped a wad of notes with an elastic band round them? I did! Well, here's the elastic band.

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| Money jokes

Fred collected lots of money from trick-or-treating and he went to the candy store to buy some chocolate. "You should give that money to charity," said the sales girl. Fred thought for a moment and said, "No, I'll buy the chocolate. You give the money to charity."

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Boss: “I’ve decided to use humor in the office. Experts say humor eases tension, which is important in times when the work force is being trimmed. “Knock knock.” Employee: “Who’s there?” Boss: “Not you anymore.”