What do you get if

What does Father Christmas suffer from if he

| Christmas jokes

What does Father Christmas suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney ? Santa Claustrophobia !

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A mother of two teenage boys, was constantly

| Parent jokes

A mother of two teenage boys, was constantly being asked to look for things they couldn't find. Most of the time these items were directly in front of them. Seeing her frustration over this when it happened yet again, one of her sons remarked: "It's not my fault, Mom. I don't have 'parental vi

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Q: How many Bill Clintons

| Clinton jokes

Q: How many Bill Clintons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: He doesn't! He whines a while, says "I feel your pain", and gets congress to pass a billion dollar light security bill, and blames Republicans and special interests for not making lightbulbs free.

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What do you call a horse that plays the

| Horse jokes

What do you call a horse that plays the violin? Fiddler on the hoof!

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A recent study showed that the average

| Marriage jokes

A recent study showed that the average husband only actually speaks to his wife about thirty-seven minutes each week. Well, yeah, I can believe that, I mean just how long does it take to say "Uh-huh" or "Yes dear" or "I'm sorry" ?'

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What do you get if you cross a Rolls Royce with a vampire? A monster that attacks expensive cars and sucks out their gas tanks.