What did one

Why do dogs bury bones in

| Dog jokes

Why do dogs bury bones in the ground ? Because you can't bury them in trees !

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How do footballers send messages?

| E-mail jokes

How do footballers send messages? By referee-mail.

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Q: How do you know if a blonde

| Funny jokes - 50 best jokes

Q: How do you know if a blonde has been sending e-mail? A: You see a bunch of envelopes stuffed into the disk drive.

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What flies through the jungle singing opera ?

| Bird jokes

What flies through the jungle singing opera ? The parrots of Penzance !

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What's the difference between a hunter and a

| Hunting jokes

What's the difference between a hunter and a fisherman? A hunter lies in wait. A fisherman waits and lies.

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What did one maggot say to the other who was stuck in an apple? Worm your way out of that one, then!