What do Alexander the

Why was the

| Cannibal jokes

Why was the cannibal looking peeky? Because he had just eaten a Chinese dog!

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A tough case was being argued in court. The

| Lawyer jokes

A tough case was being argued in court. The defense attorney, feeling that he was in trouble, sent the judge a bottle of hundred-year old brandy. The defendant was fit to be tied. "The judge'll kill me. Trying to bribe him! We're dead!" "I don't think so," his attorney told him. "I sent it in

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Mrs. Caroline Squires of Cincinnati filed for

| Divorce jokes

Mrs. Caroline Squires of Cincinnati filed for a divorce from her husband in 1949 on grounds of desertion. She testified he'd stepped out "for a beer" on the Fourth of July, 1917, and had never come back.

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Q. Have you heard the latest

| Humor jokes

Q. Have you heard the latest scandal? A. Dr. Pepper was drunk at a party.

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What happened when the dog went to the flea circus

| Dog jokes

What happened when the dog went to the flea circus ? He stole the show !

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What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common ? They both have ‘the’ as their middle names !