Q: What is Iraq’s national bird?

Why are elephants large, grey and

| Elephant jokes

Why are elephants large, grey and wrinkly? Because if they were small round and white, they would be aspirins.

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Four corporate presidents, one

| Business jokes

Four corporate presidents, one English, one French, one Japanese and one American, were on their way to an international business conference when they were kidnapped by terrorists and taken to a secret hideout. "You, your companies, and you countries are enemies of the Revolution," screamed

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How does a

| Monster jokes

How does a monster begin a fairy tale? "Once upon a slime . . ."

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One day, two guys Joe and Bob

| Fishing jokes

One day, two guys Joe and Bob were out fishing. A funeral service passes over the bridge they're fishing by, and Bob takes off his hat and puts it over his heart. He does this until the funeral service passes by. Joe then said "Gee Bob, I didn't know you had it in you!" Bob then replies "

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You Know You're Vietnamese If

| Vietnamese

1. You look older than you really are. 2. You're racist. 3. Your parents are scared of anyone that is black. 4. Your parents dog on Mexicans and Blacks 5. You know you're superior to other Asians. 6. Your parents think you're 12 when you're really 18. 7. When you go out to buy

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Q: What is Iraq’s national bird? A: Duck.