A French guy, an American guy and a Cuban guy

A young woman with a happy, cheerful voice was

| Women jokes

A young woman with a happy, cheerful voice was working in her husband's trucking line office. She answered a phone call from a trucker asking for directions to the terminal. After a short conversation, he said he could hardly wait to meet her. "I just know you are small, blond with blue eyes," h

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Customer: You

| Salesmen jokes

Customer: You said these pants were pure wool, but the label says "all cotton." Salesman: Oh, that's just to keep the moths away.

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What did the biscuit say when it

| Food jokes

What did the biscuit say when it saw two friends knocked down? Crumbs!

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What do you get if you cross a monster with a

| Monster jokes

What do you get if you cross a monster with a flea? Lots of very worried dogs.

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What is a collie puppy's favorite toy?

| Dog jokes

What is a collie puppy's favorite toy? A chew-chew train!

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A French guy, an American guy and a Cuban guy are standing on a cliff. The French guy throws a case of fine wine off the cliff. Why did you do that?asked the other men. We have plenty of fine wine in France, said the man. Next, the Cuban guy throws a box of fine cigars off the cliff. Why did you do that? asked the other men. We have plenty of cigars in Cuba, said the Cuban man. Finally, the American man pickes up the Cuban man and throw’ him off the cliff. What did you do that for? asked the French man. We have plenty of Cubans in America, answered the American man.