What would you get

Mother: "Why are you home from school so

| School jokes

Mother: "Why are you home from school so early?" Son: "I was the only one who could answer a question." Mother: "Oh, really? What was the question? Son: "Who threw the eraser at the principal?"

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Mummy Monster: What are you doing

| Brother and sister jokes

Mummy Monster: What are you doing with that saw and where's your little brother ? Young Monster: Hee, hee ! He's my half-brother now!

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Do you like your

| Baby jokes

Do you like your new baby sister? She's all right. Do you play with her? No, and we can't even send her back because she's been here more than 28 days.

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A lady with a

| Marriage jokes

A lady with a large flowery hat was stopped at the church door by the usher. "Are you a friend of the bride ?" he asked. "Certainly not," she snapped, "I'm the groom's mother."

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a quadruple amputee is waiting at the

| Car and train jokes

a quadruple amputee is waiting at the bus stop.The bus pulls up.Driver says "alright John, how you getting on today?"

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What would you get if you crossed the Easter Bunny with Chinese food? Hop suey!