Two men,

What kind of meat do you give a stupid dog

| Dog jokes

What kind of meat do you give a stupid dog ? Chump chops !

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Have you heard about the goodweather

| Witch jokes

Have you heard about the goodweather witch? She's forecasting sunny spells.

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Tourist: What's the speed

| Travel and tourist jokes

Tourist: What's the speed limit in this hick town? Native: We don't have one. You strangers can't get out of here fast enough for us.

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How do we know burgers love young

| Burger jokes

How do we know burgers love young people? They're pro-teen!

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Q: Did you hear about the 25 Irish

| Idiot and fool jokes

Q: Did you hear about the 25 Irish people that drowned? A: They were riverdancing.

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Two men, sentenced to die in the electric chair on the same day were led down to the room in which they would meet their maker. The priest had given the last rites, the formal speech had been given by the warden, and a final prayer had been said among the participants. The Warden, turning to the first man, solemnly asked, “Son, do you have a last request?” To which the man replied, “Yes sir, I do. I love dance music. Could you please play The Macarena for me one last time?” “Certainly,” replied the warden. He turned to the other man and asked, “Well, what about you, son? What is your final request?” “Please,” said the condemned man, “kill me first.”