Yo mama middle name is Rambo.

A frog goes into

| Business jokes

A frog goes into the bank and asks the teller for a loan. The teller tells the frog to see Mr. Paddywack, the loan officer. Mr. Paddywack looks at the frog and says, "What do you have for collateral?" The frog pulls out of his pocket a solid silver elephant. Mr. Paddywack looks at the elepha

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Q: How can you tell who is a

| Dirty jokes

Q: How can you tell who is a blonde's boyfriend? A: He's the one with the belt buckle that matches the impression in her forehead.

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Three cowboys

| Cowboy jokes

Three cowboys were hanging out in the bunkhouse. "I know that smart aleck Tex," said the first. "He's going to start bragging about that new foreign car he bought as soon as he gets back." "Not Tex," the second cowboy replied. "He'll always be just a good ol' boy. When he walks in, I'm sure

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Farmer Giles is so interested in conserving

| Farmer jokes

Farmer Giles is so interested in conserving energy, he built a pig-powered car. He has to get rid of it, though. Every time he turns a corner, the tires squeal'

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Yo mama so fat she looks like she's

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama so fat she looks like she's smuggling a Volkswagon!

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Yo mama middle name is Rambo.