Yo mama head so small that she got her ear

What do you call a crate of

| Bird jokes

What do you call a crate of ducks ? A box of quackers !

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An angry wife was

| Bar jokes, beer, booze and fun!

An angry wife was complaining about her husband spending so much time at the pub, so one night he took her along. "What'll ya have?" he asked. "Oh, I don't know. The same as you, I suppose," she replied. So the husband ordered a couple of Jack Daniel's and threw his down in one gulp. His wif

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Boy: What's black, slimy,

| Food jokes

Boy: What's black, slimy, with hairy legs and eyes on stalks? Mom: Eat the cookies and don't worry about what's in the tin.

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Teacher: What is Ba + Na2?

| Banana jokes

Teacher: What is Ba + Na2? Pupil: Banana.

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Why should you never invite a pig to join your

| Pig jokes

Why should you never invite a pig to join your tug-of-war team? Pigs want to be pulled through the mudhole.

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Yo mama head so small that she got her ear pierced and died.