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A man works in the

| Blonde jokes

A man works in the operations department of a large bank. Employees call him from the field when they have problems with their computers. One night a blonde woman from a branch bank called him and said, "I've got smoke coming from the back of my computer terminal. Do you guys have a fire dow

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It was Christmas

| Christmas jokes

It was Christmas eve, and Santa was really busy making his list and checking it twice, when there came a knock at the door. His wife comes in. "Honey, where do you want me to put your boots and gloves?" Well, Santa is very busy and so he's slightly annoyed by this trivial question, so he sna

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What's the difference between a very

| Dead and dying jokes

What's the difference between a very old, shaggy Yeti and a dead bee? One's a seedy beast and the other's a deceased bee.

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What do Snowmen call their offspring?

| Snowman jokes

What do Snowmen call their offspring? Chill-dren.

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The mother-in-law stopped unexpectedly by the

| Humor jokes

The mother-in-law stopped unexpectedly by the recently married couple's house. She rang the doorbell and stepped into the house to see her daughter-in-law standing naked by the door. "What are you doing?" the mother-in-law asked. "I am waiting for my husband to come home from work." the daug

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The Vietnamese soldier serving in Cambodia, far from home, was annoyed and upset when his girl wrote breaking off their engagement and asking for her photograph back.

He went out and collected from his friends all the unwanted photographs of women that he could find, bundled them all together and sent them back with a note saying:

“”Regret — cannot remember which one is you. Please keep your photo and return the others.””