What’s the difference between a tiger

Why is a sinking ship like a

| Criminal jokes

Why is a sinking ship like a person in jail? Because it needs bailing out.

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Q: How many Development Executives does

| Movie and TV jokes

Q: How many Development Executives does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Well, first let's talk about the concept behind this whole "light bulb" thing.

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What do witches ring for in a hotel? B-room

| Witch jokes

What do witches ring for in a hotel? B-room service.

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A husband and wife were shopping when the wife

| Humor jokes

A husband and wife were shopping when the wife said, "Darling, its my mother's birthday tomorrow. What shall we buy for her? She would like something electric." The husband replied, "How about a chair?!?"

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How can you tell elephants love to

| Travel and tourist jokes

How can you tell elephants love to travel ? They are always packing their trunk !

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What’s the difference between a tiger and a lion ? A tiger has the mane part missing !