What do bees chew ?

What's wet and wiggly and says how do

| Various animal jokes

What's wet and wiggly and says how do you do sixteen times? Two octopuses shaking hands.

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What do you call an ant with five pairs of eyes

| Ant jokes

What do you call an ant with five pairs of eyes ? Antteneye !

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Q: Why did

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why did the blonde only smell good on the right side? A: She didn't know where to buy Left Guard!

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If a band plays music in a thunderstorm, who

| Weather jokes

If a band plays music in a thunderstorm, who is most likely to get hit by lightning? The conductor.

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How many cops does it take to

| Police jokes

How many cops does it take to throw a man down the stairs? None. He fell.

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What do bees chew ? Bumble gum !