What’s blue and sings alone? – Dan

What does FCPA stand for?

| Accountant jokes

What does FCPA stand for? Finally Caught Pinching the Assets'

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What did one rock pool say to the other rock

| Humor jokes

What did one rock pool say to the other rock pool? Show me your mussels.

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What did one car muffler say to the

| Car and train jokes

What did one car muffler say to the other car muffler? "Am I exhausted!"

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Look, guide, here are some LION

| Travel and tourist jokes

Look, guide, here are some LION tracks. "Good. You see where they go and I'll find out where they came from."

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Why did the Easter Bunny have to

| Easter jokes

Why did the Easter Bunny have to fire the duck? Because he kept quacking all the eggs!

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What’s blue and sings alone? – Dan Ackroyd.