Where did the Easter Bunny go to college?

Flight 1234, for noise

| Aviation jokes

Flight 1234, for noise abatement turn right 45 degrees.. "But Center, we are at 35,000 feet, how much noise can we make up here?" "Sir, have you ever heard the noise a 707 makes when it hits a 727?"

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QUESTION: How long does a United States

| Political jokes

QUESTION: How long does a United States Congressman serve? ANSWER: Until he gets caught.

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What does Santa say when he is sick?

| Christmas jokes

What does Santa say when he is sick? OH OH NO!

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Why did the boy jump up and down on

| Letter jokes

Why did the boy jump up and down on the letter? He heard that you have to stamp letters or the post office won't send them.

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When is a pig an

| Pig jokes

When is a pig an ecologist? When he recycles garbage into ham.

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Where did the Easter Bunny go to college? Johns Hopkins!