‘You boy ! called a policeman. Can you

An Italian, a Scotsman, and a Chinese fellow

| Ethnic jokes

An Italian, a Scotsman, and a Chinese fellow are hired at a construction site. The foreman points to a huge pile of sand and says to the Italian guy, "You're in charge of sweeping." To the Scotsman, he says, "You're in charge of shoveling." And to the Chinese guy, "You're in charge of supp

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Yo mama so fat she sat on the beach and

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama so fat she sat on the beach and Greenpeace threw her in!

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At a friend's wedding, everything went

| Marriage jokes

At a friend's wedding, everything went smoothly until it was time for the flower girl and her young escort to come down the aisle. The boy stopped at every pew, growling at the guests. When asked afterward why he behaved so badly, he explained, "I was just trying to be a good ring bear."

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How do you know if you cat's got a bad cold

| Cat jokes

How do you know if you cat's got a bad cold ? He has cat-arrh !

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Two girls were having their packed lunch in

| Apple jokes

Two girls were having their packed lunch in the school yard. One had an apple and the other said, 'Watch out for worms won't you ! The first one replied, 'why should I ? They can watch out for themselves.

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‘You boy ! called a policeman. Can you help ? We’re looking for a man with a huge red nose called Cotters…… ‘Really ?’ said the boy. ‘What’re his ears called ?’