Policeman: Why were

Hey, Pop, pleaded Angelo, "can I go to the zoo

| Zoo jokes

Hey, Pop, pleaded Angelo, "can I go to the zoo to see the monkeys?" "What's the matter with you?" asked his father. "Why would you wanna go see the monkeys when your Aunt Maud is here?"

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What is another way to describe

| Cat jokes

What is another way to describe a cat ? A heat seeking missile !

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How many ducks would there be,

| Bird jokes

How many ducks would there be, if you saw two ducks in front of two ducks, two ducks between two ducks, and two ducks behind two ducks? Answer: 4 ducks-because they are in a row.

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I was in the zoo last week.

| Zoo jokes

I was in the zoo last week. Really? Which cage were you in?

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What's the difference between a biscuit and a

| Food jokes

What's the difference between a biscuit and a monster? You can dip a biscuit in your tea, but a monster is too big to fit in the cup.

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Policeman: Why were you speeding when I stopped you? Motorist: So I could race home to get my license and registration.