Doctor, Doctor! my sister thinks


| Book title jokes

Nothing's Ever Right by Mona Lott

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Q: How many Librans does it take to change a

| Zodiac jokes

Q: How many Librans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Well gee, I don't know really. I guess it depends on the bulb and where it burned out. It might perhaps take just one if it's just an ordinary bulb, but maybe two if the person doesn't know where to find a new light bulb, or perhaps

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If King Kong came to England why would he

| King Kong jokes

If King Kong came to England why would he live in the Tower of London? Because he's a beef-eater.

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Dad: Why is your January report card so bad

| Parent jokes

Dad: Why is your January report card so bad ? Son: Well, you know how it is. Things are always marked down after Christmas !

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Yo mama so fat she put on her lipstick with

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller

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Doctor, Doctor! my sister thinks she’s an elevator. Tell her to come in. I can’t. She doesn’t stop at this floor.