What does a carpet salesman give his wife for

A little girl spoke to her teacher about

| Religious jokes

A little girl spoke to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it is a very large mammal, its throat is very small. The little girl said, "But how can that be? Jonah was swallowed by a whale." Irritated, the t

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What's a rabbits' favorite dance?

| Rabbit jokes

What's a rabbits' favorite dance? The bunny hop.

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Teacher: What

| Face jokes

Teacher: What a glum face, what would you say if I came to school with a face like yours ? Pupil: I'd be too polite to mention it !

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Victim (to mugger): But my watch isn't any

| Criminal jokes

Victim (to mugger): But my watch isn't any good, it only has sentimental value. Mugger: That's all right. I'm sentimental.

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What's the difference between an angler and a

| Fishing jokes

What's the difference between an angler and a dunce? One baits his hooks while the other hates his books.

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What does a carpet salesman give his wife for Valentine’s Day? Rugs and kisses!