Cheapskate Republicans buy an artificial

What old-time song is the burgers'

| Burger jokes

What old-time song is the burgers' favourite? 'Hammy' - as sung by Al Jolson!

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Young Bobby was

| Parent jokes

Young Bobby was being fitted for glasses, and his father, standing beside him, said, "Now, remember, son. Don't wear them when you're not looking at anything."

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Why did the moth nibble a hole in the carpet

| Insect jokes

Why did the moth nibble a hole in the carpet ? He wanted to see the floor show !

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Q:What did one plate say to the other

| Restaurant jokes

Q:What did one plate say to the other plate? A:('Lunch is on me!)'

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If you cross a telephone and a pair of

| Telephone jokes

If you cross a telephone and a pair of scissors, what do you get? Snippy answers.

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Cheapskate Republicans buy an artificial Christmas tree. Tight-fisted Democrats buy a real tree, but they wait until the week before Christmas when the lots lower their prices. Green Democrats buy a real tree with roots, and then replant it after New Years.