A traffic Policeman recently

Elmore walked into his

| Money jokes

Elmore walked into his favorite truck stop cafe and said to the owner, "Hey, Roy, you wanna take a chance on a raffle?" "Whada ya win?" "A million dollars!" said the redneck. "You get a dollar a year for a million years." "How much are they each?" "Ten cents. Two for a quarter. Or three for

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When is a parent like a child?

| Parent jokes

When is a parent like a child? When he's a miner.

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A group of Texas A&M Aggies and a

| Spelling jokes

A group of Texas A&M Aggies and a group of Harvard students had been deadlocked in a spelling bee for an entire week. At the end of the contest the score was tied and the judges had a dilemma. They told the contestants that each group was to quickly come up with a poem using the word 'Timbuktu.

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Did you hear about the stupid turkey?

| Christmas jokes

Did you hear about the stupid turkey? It was looking forward to Christmas!

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Why does a chicken coop have two doors

| Bird jokes

Why does a chicken coop have two doors ? Because if had four doors it would be a chicken sedan!

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A traffic Policeman recently stopped a woman for exceeding the posted speed limit. He asked the driver her name. She said, “I’m Mrs. Chadivaler Zuminskagia Ragretumunga from the Republic of Uzbetikan visiting my daughter in Columbia.” As she finished speaking the cop paused for a moment and then put away his summons book and pen, and said, “Well… OK… but don’t let me catch you speeding again.”