What did one of Frankenstein’s ears say to

An Israeli soldier who just enlisted asked

| Military jokes

An Israeli soldier who just enlisted asked the Commanding Officer for a 3-day pass. The CO says "Are you crazy? You just join the Israeli army, and you already want a 3-day pass? You must do something spectacular for that recognition!" So the soldier comes back a day later in an Arab tank! Th

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Q: Where does Napolean keep his armies?

| History jokes

Q: Where does Napolean keep his armies? A: In his sleevies!

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There was once a

| Computer jokes

There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer. When asked to define "great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in

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You're hiking around on Hampsted Heath (a park

| Weather jokes

You're hiking around on Hampsted Heath (a park near London) at the end of a long sunny day. You run across (separately) the ghosts of Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Baden Powell, and Sir Edmund Hillary, who all give you directions to the nearest tube stop. Whom don't you believe? Your story teller,

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How many film directors

| Movie and TV jokes

How many film directors does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but he wants to do it thirty-two times and when he's done, everyone says that his last light bulb was much better.

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What did one of Frankenstein’s ears say to the other? I didn’t know we lived on the same block.