What is a jockey’s motto?

Mayne and Willard, two idiots, were in

| Idiot and fool jokes

Mayne and Willard, two idiots, were in a rowboat on a lake fishing. Suddenly the spray from a motorboat racing by flooded their boat. "How we gonna get the water out?" asked Mayne. "Easy," said Willard. "We just bore a hole in the bottom of the boat and let the water drain out." The men dril

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Q: How many Republicans does it take to

| Political jokes

Q: How many Republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Two-one to do it and one to steady the chandelier. A: None, they only screw the poor

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I've been sitting at this computer for hours

| Computer jokes

I've been sitting at this computer for hours and I haven't seen a single website. That's because you're supposed to sit facing the screen.

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How do sheep greet each other at Christmas

| Christmas jokes

How do sheep greet each other at Christmas ? A merry Christmas to ewe

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Doctor, doctor, should I surf the Internet

| Internet jokes

Doctor, doctor, should I surf the Internet on an empty stomach? No, you should do it on a computer.

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What is a jockey’s motto? Put your money where your mount is!