Why did the viper want to become a python ?

What's fat and jolly and runs on eight

| Christmas jokes

What's fat and jolly and runs on eight wheels? Father Christmas on roller skates!

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If you cross a telephone and a pair of

| Telephone jokes

If you cross a telephone and a pair of scissors, what do you get? Snippy answers.

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When is your birthday?

| Birthday jokes

When is your birthday? 17th January. What year? Every year!

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Is it good to drink witch's brew?

| Witch jokes

Is it good to drink witch's brew? Yes, it's very newt tricious!

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A man is

| Dog jokes

A man is walking down the street when he hears a voice, "Pssst you come over here!" He looks round and can see no one but an old mangy greyhound. "yes over here!" Said the greyhound "Look at me I'm tied up here, I should be racing I won 14 races in my carrer you know?" The man thought to hi

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Why did the viper want to become a python ? He got the coiling !