I’ve been sitting at this computer for hours

Why is a bride always out of luck on her

| Marriage jokes

Why is a bride always out of luck on her wedding day? Because she never marries the best man.

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Q: Why did the blond quit his restroom

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why did the blond quit his restroom attendant job? A: He couldn't figure out how to refill the hand dryer!

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Fred: Betty has lovely long red hair

| Hair and bald jokes

Fred: Betty has lovely long red hair all down her back. Harry: Pity it's not on her head!

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Bill: Where did you

| Criminal jokes

Bill: Where did you get that gold watch Joe? Joe: I won it in a race. Bill: How many people participated in it? Joe: Three, a policeman, the owner of the watch, and me!!

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How does an octopus go to war ?

| Various animal jokes

How does an octopus go to war ? Well-armed !

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I’ve been sitting at this computer for hours and I haven’t seen a single website. That’s because you’re supposed to sit facing the screen.