Why are pigs such early risers?

Patient: I always see spots before my

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Patient: I always see spots before my eyes. Doctor: Didn't the new glasses help? Patient: Sure, now I see the spots much clearer.

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Why did the man put his car in the

| Car and train jokes

Why did the man put his car in the oven? Because he wanted a hot rod.

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Barty and Dunny met in a pub

| Bar jokes, beer, booze and fun!

Barty and Dunny met in a pub and discussed the illness of a friend named Hogan. "Poor Micheal Hogan! Faith, I'm afraid he's goin' to die." "Shure, an' why would he be dyin'?" asked the other. "Ah, he's gotten so thin. You're thin enough, and I'm thin -- but by my soul, Micheal Hogan is thinne

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What do you do if King Kong sits in

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What do you do if King Kong sits in front of you at the cinema? Miss most of the film!

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Q: What directions did the

| Ghost jokes

Q: What directions did the ghost give the goblin? A: "Make a fright turn at the corner."

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Why are pigs such early risers? Did you ever try to shut off a rooster?