When the waitress in a

A man from the city is out plowing his field

| Farmer jokes

A man from the city is out plowing his field and gets his tractor stuck in the wet ground. A farmer driving by stops his truck and walks to the fence to call over the city feller. You need a mule to plow such wet ground he says. "Where can I buy one?" he is asked. Well, I just happened t

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Doctor, Doctor! my sister thinks

| Brother and sister jokes

Doctor, Doctor! my sister thinks she's an elevator. Tell her to come in. I can't. She doesn't stop at this floor.

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Q: What's the difference between a Scotsman and

| Music jokes

Q: What's the difference between a Scotsman and a Rolling Stone? A: A Rolling Stone says "hey you, get off of my cloud!", while a Scotsman says "Hey McLeod, get off of my ewe!"

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Q: How many Sound Recordists

| Movie and TV jokes

Q: How many Sound Recordists does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: WHAT?

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Whats the world weakest animal ?

| Frog jokes

Whats the world weakest animal ? A toad, he croaks if you even touch him !

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When the waitress in a New York City restaurant brought him the soup du jour, the Englishman was a bit dismayed. “Good heavens,” he said, “what is this?” “Why, it’s bean soup,” she replied. “I don’t care what it has been,” he sputtered. “What is it now?”