Q: Why are cowgirls bowlegged?

Why did the dentist

| Dentist jokes

Why did the dentist make a poor date with the manicurist? Because they fought both tooth and nail!

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What happened when the Easter Bunny caught his

| Easter jokes

What happened when the Easter Bunny caught his head in the fan? It took ears off his life!

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Dear Father Christmas, could you please

| Christmas jokes

Dear Father Christmas, could you please send me some Crocodile shoes!. Father Christmas: Can't do that one. He hasn't said what size his crocodile takes!

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Q. What do most men

| Men jokes

Q. What do most men consider a gourmet restaurant? A. Any place without a drive-up window.

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What do you get if you cross an eagle with a

| Bird jokes

What do you get if you cross an eagle with a skunk? A bird that stinks to high heaven.

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Q: Why are cowgirls bowlegged? A: Cowboys like to eat with their hats on.