Q: What’s the difference between a chorus line

Q: How many polaks does it take to kidnap

| Ethnic jokes

Q: How many polaks does it take to kidnap a child? A: 12. One to kidnap the child and the remaining 11 to write a ransom letter.

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Flight 1234, for noise

| Aviation jokes

Flight 1234, for noise abatement turn right 45 degrees.. "But Center, we are at 35,000 feet, how much noise can we make up here?" "Sir, have you ever heard the noise a 707 makes when it hits a 727?"

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Doctor, doctor, I

| Computer jokes

Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a laptop computer. You're just run down, let me give you some vitamins. No, thanks. But I could do with some new batteries.

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Brother: Which is farther away-

| Brother and sister jokes

Brother: Which is farther away- NY City or the moon? Sister: NY City. Why do ask? Brother: Well, I can see the moon, but I can't see NY City.

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Why was the farmer

| Farmer jokes

Why was the farmer hopping mad ? Because someone had trodden on his corn !

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Q: What’s the difference between a chorus line of blondes and a magician? A: A magician has a cunning array of stunts.