Why did the burglar take a shower?

How many cashiers does it take

| Humor jokes

How many cashiers does it take to change a light bulb? "Are you kidding? They won't even change a five dollar bill."

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There was an old man

| Old age jokes

There was an old man whose family could no longer afford to take care of him. So the family decided that a nusring for the aged would be appropriate. Of course the old man rejected the idea, but no sooner he was convinced that it was the right thing to do. On his first day at the home, he sp

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Did you hear about the teacher who was trying to

| Food jokes

Did you hear about the teacher who was trying to instil good table manners in her girls? She told them that a well brought girl never crumbles her bread or rolls in her soup.

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Why do cannibals make suitcases out of

| Cannibal jokes

Why do cannibals make suitcases out of peoples heads? Because they're headcases !

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After spending 3-1/2 hours enduring the

| Car and train jokes

After spending 3-1/2 hours enduring the long lines, surly clerks, and insane regulations at the department of motor vehicles, I stopped at a toy store to pick up a gift for my son. I brought my selection - a baseball bat - to the cash register. "Cash or charge?" the clerk asked. "Cash," I sna

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Why did the burglar take a shower? He wanted to make a clean getaway