My brother’s one

Q: Why can't Chinese Barbecue?

| Ethnic jokes

Q: Why can't Chinese Barbecue? A: Because the rice falls through the grill

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| Halloween jokes

Why did the wizard wear a yellow robe to the Halloween party? He was going as a banana.

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Sarah was reading a newspaper,

| Marriage jokes

Sarah was reading a newspaper, while her husband was engrossed in a magazine. Suddenly, she burst out laughing. "Listen to this," she said. "There's a classified ad here where a guy is offering to swap his wife for a season ticket to the stadium." "Hmmm," her husband said, not looking up fro

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Losing a wife can be hard. In most cases, it

| Marriage jokes

Losing a wife can be hard. In most cases, it is damned near impossible.

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Why was the hen banned from sending

| E-mail jokes

Why was the hen banned from sending e-mails? She was always using fowl language.

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My brother’s one of the biggest stickup men in town. Gosh is he really? Yes, he’s a six-foot-six billposter.