Sir you

Q: Why don't violists play hide and seek?

| Music jokes

Q: Why don't violists play hide and seek? A: Because no one will look for them.

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Did you hear about the vampire who got

| Vampire jokes

Did you hear about the vampire who got married? He proposed to his girl-fiend.

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Why was the mother flea so unhappy?

| Dog jokes

Why was the mother flea so unhappy? All her children had gone to the dogs.

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Q: How many alto sax

| Music jokes

Q: How many alto sax players does it take to change a light bulb? A: Five. One to handle the bulb, and 4 to contemplate how David Sanborn would've done it.

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What do you give an elephant with big feet

| Elephant jokes

What do you give an elephant with big feet ? Plenty of room !

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Sir you haven’t touched your custard. I’m just waiting for the fly to stop using it as a trampoline !