Two Polish guys were taking their first train

Jesus saw a crowd chasing down a woman

| Religious jokes

Jesus saw a crowd chasing down a woman to stone her and approached them. "What's going on here, anyway?" he asked. "This woman was found committing adultery, and the law says we should stone her!" one of the crowd responded. "Wait," yelled Jesus. "Let he who is without sin cast the first ston

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| Parent jokes

Father: Don't you think our son gets his brains from me? Mother: Probably, dear. I still have all of mine.

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What do birds say on Halloween?

| Halloween jokes

What do birds say on Halloween? "Trick-or-tweet!"

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Q. What did

| Humor jokes

Q. What did dela wear?(Delaware) A. Her New Jersey

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What did the blonde's mother say when she

| Blonde jokes

What did the blonde's mother say when she asked if she could lick the bowl? "Just flush it like everybody else does."

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Two Polish guys were taking their first train trip to Warsaw on the train. A vendor came down the corridor selling bananas which they’d never seen before. Each bought one. The first one eagerly peeled the banana and bit into it just as the train went into a tunnel. When the train emerged from the tunnel, he looked across to his friend and said, “I wouldn’t eat that if I were you.” “Why not?” “I took one bite and went blind for half a minute.”