Q: What is dumber than the Blonde jokes

Did you hear about the farmer's boy who hated

| Farmer jokes

Did you hear about the farmer's boy who hated the country ? He went to the big city and got a job as a shoeshine boy and so the farmer made hay while the sun shone !

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Three New Zealanders and three

| Travel and tourist jokes

Three New Zealanders and three Aussies are travelling by train to a cricket match at the World Cup in England. At the station, the three Aussies each buy a ticket and watch as the three New Zealanders buy just one ticket between them. "How are the three of you going to travel on only one tick

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Waiter, waiter, does the pianist play

| Restaurant jokes

Waiter, waiter, does the pianist play requests? Yes, sir. Then ask him to play tiddlywinks until I've finished my meal.

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How does a Gorilla become another

| Gorilla jokes

How does a Gorilla become another animal? When a Mafia don hires a 'big Gorilla' to be his bodyguard and the big Ape goes to the cops and turns into a stool pigeon!

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Mother: What

| School jokes

Mother: What was the first thing you learned in class? Daughter: How to talk without moving my lips!

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Q: What is dumber than the Blonde jokes above? A: Me for wasting hours editing and typing these damn things.