Q: How does a blonde moonwalk?

What US state has the most cows?

| Cow jokes

What US state has the most cows? Moosouri!

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First ghoul: You don't look too well

| Dead and dying jokes

First ghoul: You don't look too well today. Second ghoul: No, I'm dead on my feet.

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Q: Why did Bill and Hillary send Chelsea to a

| Clinton jokes

Q: Why did Bill and Hillary send Chelsea to a private school? A: If they sent her to a public school, the secret service would be out-gunned!

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A blonde walks down the street

| Blonde jokes

A blonde walks down the street and sees a banana peel a hundred yards ahead, and she sighs. "Here we go again."

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Why do people go to bed?

| Bed jokes

Why do people go to bed? Because the bed won't come to them.

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Q: How does a blonde moonwalk? A: She pulls down her panties and slides her ass along the floor!