Why did the whale cross the road ?

Did you hear about the Wall Street investment

| Money jokes

Did you hear about the Wall Street investment banker who won $10 million in the lottery? He's so happy that he's giving some serious thought to paying back his student loan.

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Why are Father Christmas' reindeer like a

| Christmas jokes

Why are Father Christmas' reindeer like a cricket match? Because they're both stopped by the rein.

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What did the baby

| Bird jokes

What did the baby chick say when he saw his mother sitting on an orange ? 'Dad, dad, look what marma-laid' !

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Q: What is the difference between a Wagnerian

| Music jokes

Q: What is the difference between a Wagnerian soprano and a Wagnerian Tenor? A: About 10 pounds.

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Why did the blonde burn her ear? The phone rang

| Blonde jokes

Why did the blonde burn her ear? The phone rang while she was ironing!

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Why did the whale cross the road ? To get to the other tide !