Perhaps you know why women over fifty don’t

A cattleman from West

| Heaven and hell jokes

A cattleman from West Texas died & went on to the Great Beyond. As he approached the great gate, he noticed that the terrain was bare with no greenery. He remarked to the gate keeper, "Howdy Saint Peter. Say, this looks just like Texas." "The gatekeeper replied, "First of all, I'm not Sain

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Why did the tadpole feel lonely ?

| Various animal jokes

Why did the tadpole feel lonely ? Because he was newt to the area !

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Golfer: "Do you think I can get there with a

| Sport jokes

Golfer: "Do you think I can get there with a 5-iron?" Caddy: "Eventually."

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Why do you think your report should be on the

| Internet jokes

Why do you think your report should be on the net? Because my marks are all 'E's.

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A guy is dating three women and can't decide

| Marriage jokes

A guy is dating three women and can't decide which one to marry. He gives each $1,000 to see how well they can manage money. The first one spends $800 and puts $200 in the bank. The second one spends $200 and puts $800 in the bank. The third one puts the whole $1,000 in the bank. Which one does

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Perhaps you know why women over fifty don’t have babies. They would put them down somewhere and forget where they left them.