What grey, has a wand, huge wings and gives

Which vampire ate the three bears' porridge?

| Vampire jokes

Which vampire ate the three bears' porridge? Ghouldilocks.

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The Sunday

| Hair and bald jokes

The Sunday School teacher asked if any of the children's parents had quoted from the Bible in the past week. Little Timmy paused, but then spoke up, "My daddy doesn't have any hair on his head. Daddy says that God put hair on everything that he was ashamed of."

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Prosecutor: Did you kill the

| Judge jokes

Prosecutor: Did you kill the victim? Defendant: No, I did not. Prosecutor: Do you know what the penalties are for perjury? Defendant: Yes, I do. And they're a hell of a lot better than the penalty for murder.

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Q. What do you have when only one line dancer

| Dance jokes

Q. What do you have when only one line dancer comes to your party? A. A One Liner!

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What kind of money

| Fishing jokes

What kind of money do fishermen make ? Net profits !

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What grey, has a wand, huge wings and gives money to elephants ? The tusk fairy !