What do you get if you cross an eel

Teacher: If I gave you three

| School jokes

Teacher: If I gave you three rabbits today and five rabbits tomorrow, how many rabbits would you have? Jackie: Nine. Teacher: That's not right, you'd have eight. Jackie: No, Teacher, I'd have nine. I already have one rabbit at home!

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Why is it that at class reunions

| Funny jokes - 50 best jokes

Why is it that at class reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks?'

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A man is in a bar having a

| Bar jokes, beer, booze and fun!

A man is in a bar having a drink. The guy next to him falls off of his barstool. The man picks up the guy and sits him back on the barstool, and he falls off again. This time he picks the guy up and asks, Where do you live? Being a kind soul, the man takes the guy to his car, puts him in the

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Q: How many Ayatollahs does it take to screw in

| Ethnic jokes

Q: How many Ayatollahs does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None-there weren't any light bulbs in the 13th century.

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What kind of dog always needs a shave?

| Dog jokes

What kind of dog always needs a shave? A bearded collie!

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What do you get if you cross an eel with a shopper? A slippery customer.