Caller: Finally! I got through! I’ve been trying

Cow: Why don't you shoo those flies?

| Cow jokes

Cow: Why don't you shoo those flies? Bull: I'll let them go barefoot!

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What do you call a cow that doesn't give

| Cow jokes

What do you call a cow that doesn't give milk? A milk dud!

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I spent the whole evening

| Internet jokes

I spent the whole evening knotsurfing! Don't you mean netsurfing? No, everyone was complaining because I tied the computer up for ages!

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Q: What problems would

| Police jokes

Q: What problems would you face if you were arrested for drunk driving? A: I'd probably lose my buzz a lot faster.

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Military Intelligence

| Vietnamese

My uncle Jack served in the late 60s on the aircraft carrier USS Ranger, CVA-61, in the Tonkin Gulf off the east coast of Vietnam. Having spent his youth with Ham radio, he became an electronics technician. He came aboard fresh from high school, Basic Training, and the US Navy's radio repairman's s

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Caller: Finally! I got through! I’ve been trying to call the zoo for hours! Zookeeper: Yes, all our lions were busy!