How can you tell when a skunk is

When not in stores, Republicans shop from a

| Political jokes

When not in stores, Republicans shop from a catalog. Democrats watch for "incredible TV offers" on late night television.

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Q: What did the blind blonde say as she was

| Dirty jokes

Q: What did the blind blonde say as she was making love with her new boyfriend? A: "Funny, you don't feel Jewish."

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How do dolphins send messages?

| E-mail jokes

How do dolphins send messages? By sea-mail.

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Democrats let

| Political jokes

Democrats let their kids open all the gifts on Christmas Eve. Republicans make their kids wait until Christmas morning.

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Q: What a BLONDE will ask the

| Blonde jokes

Q: What a BLONDE will ask the doctor, in the maternity ward? A: "Is it mine?"

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How can you tell when a skunk is angry? It raises a stink!