Where did vampires go to first in America?

It's for my mother-in-law," explained the

| Marriage jokes

It's for my mother-in-law," explained the mourner at the funeral procession. Tightening the leash, he gestured down at the dog and said, "My Doberman here killed her." "Gee...That's terrible," commiserated the spectator. "But... Hmmmm... Is there anyway you might lend me your dog for a day

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One day at the entrance to heaven, St.

| Heaven and hell jokes

One day at the entrance to heaven, St. Peter saw a New York street gang. walk up to the Pearly Gates. This being a first, St. Peter ran to God and said, "God, there are some evil, thieving New Yorkers at the Pearly Gates. What do I do?". God replied, "Just do what you normally do with that

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Where do steers go to dance?

| Cow jokes

Where do steers go to dance? To the Meat Ball!

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How do you know if you cat's got a bad cold

| Cat jokes

How do you know if you cat's got a bad cold ? He has cat-arrh !

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How did the instructor try to make horse riding

| Horse jokes

How did the instructor try to make horse riding enjoyable? He tried to stirrup some interest!

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Where did vampires go to first in America? New-fang-land.