How that we are engaged I hope you’ll give

Q: Why couldn't the blonde write the number

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why couldn't the blonde write the number ELEVEN ? A: She didn't know what ONE came first...

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What did the grape say when the

| Elephant jokes

What did the grape say when the elephant stood on it ? Nothing, it just let out a little wine !

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Q: How many Mafia

| Humor jokes

Q: How many Mafia hitmen does it take to change a lightbulb ? A: Three. One to screw it in, one to watch, and one to shoot the witness.

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What do you get it

| Teeth jokes

What do you get it you cross a porcupine with a giraffe? A long necked toothbrush.

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A destroyer pulled into a foreign port, and

| Military jokes

A destroyer pulled into a foreign port, and put down maximum liberty. The skeleton crew didn't notice a chimpanzee, escaped from a nearby civilian transport, crawled up the ropes and up to the smokestack. Down the stack, it made its way into the engine room. It came across a power panel open

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How that we are engaged I hope you’ll give me a ring. Of course. What’s your phone number ?’