Where do astronauts leave their spaceships?

An Irishman, a black guy, and a white guy were

| Ethnic jokes

An Irishman, a black guy, and a white guy were driving through the desert when they suddenly ran out of gas. They all decided to start walking to the nearest town (which they had passed 50 miles back) to get some help. A rancher was sitting on his front porch that evening when he saw the white

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Which vampire tried to eat James Bond?

| Vampire jokes

Which vampire tried to eat James Bond? Ghouldfinger.

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How do you get milk from a witch's cat?

| Witch jokes

How do you get milk from a witch's cat? Steal her saucer.

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Q: How does the blond turn on the light after

| Dirty jokes

Q: How does the blond turn on the light after she has had sex? A: She opens the car door.

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Q: How do you make a violin sound like a

| Music jokes

Q: How do you make a violin sound like a viola? A: Sit in the back and don't play.

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Where do astronauts leave their spaceships? At parking meteors.