What weighs 35 tons, has four fuzzy ears and is

Will I ever be able to race my horse again the

| Horse jokes

Will I ever be able to race my horse again the owner asked the vet. The vet replied, "You certainly will, and you'll probably beat her too!"

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The congregation was sitting and waiting for

| Religious jokes

The congregation was sitting and waiting for the preacher to began his sermon when two masked men burst into the church and said "Whoever is not willing to take a bullet for Jesus better leave now." More than half of the congregation jumped up and ran out the door. The two men took off their mask

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Driving to work, a gentlman had to swerve to

| Police jokes

Driving to work, a gentlman had to swerve to avoid a box that fell out of a truck in front of him. Seconds later, a policeman pulled him over for reckless driving. Fortunately, another officer had seen the carton in the road. The policmen stopped traffic and recovered the box. It was found t

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What did the hamburgers say to the butcher who

| Burger jokes

What did the hamburgers say to the butcher who acted on a TV show? Welcome back, Cutter!

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Did you hear about the Omaha mother who

| Idiot and fool jokes

Did you hear about the Omaha mother who got tired of putting name tags on her son's shirts, so she had his name legally changed to "Machine Washable"?

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What weighs 35 tons, has four fuzzy ears and is 80 million years old? Two rabbits riding a brontosaurus.